Future for Broadcasters at Risk

@realDonaldTrump: If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!

The tweet above is from our actual President of the United States basically stating that the profession of broadcasters future can be in jeopardy due to lack of fan attendance in games due to players protesting.
This is a little worrisome to me because as an aspiring broadcaster, Trump will still be President by the time I graduate next spring, and I don’t want to waste hard work if they are going to fire or suspend this profession. From my perspective, this job can be troubling at times because being in front of a camera, you need to be as professional as possible with your language, posture, and especially questions you are asking for the interview. What I have learned through this article is players and coaches don’t want to be affiliated with the protest and their beliefs. Their actions show their words and beliefs; the broadcast media should not keep adding fuel to the fire by asking questions and acting on protesting trying to uncover why players are sending what messages.

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